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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Adding a Solution Setup >
   Adding Modeling Properties >
       Precedence Prioritizing           

Precedence Prioritizing

Where polygons from different layers/materials overlap, the mesher decides on the material in the area of intersection based on the following rules:

1. For polygons with precedence numbers, the polygon with lower precedence takes priority over those polygons with higher precedence.

2. If the mesher cannot resolve the priority using the precedence attribute, it considers conductivities. The polygon with the higher conductivity takes priority over those polygons with lower conductivity.

3. If conductivities are the same, the stackup index is used. Objects higher in the stackup table (i.e. with a lower stackup index) take precedence over objects lower in the stackup table (i.e. with a higher stackup index).

For example, in the following illustration the blue rectangle (a thin metal) has a lower precedence value than the green rectangle (a thick metal), so its material (blue) takes priority where the two come in contact.



But in this next example, the blue rectangle has a higher precedence value than the green rectangle, and so now the green material takes priority.


Following is a 3D view of the first example above (where the blue rectangle has the higher precedence value).





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