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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Using the Estimate Module >
   Estimating Dimensions of Printed Antennas >
       Estimating Corners-Truncated CP Element Parameters           

Estimating Corners-Truncated CP Element Parameters

Use this command to estimate the dimensions of a corners-truncated, circularly polarized (CP) element. The feed points for these patches are not arbitrary. For a corners-truncated patch, you need to feed the patch along the center line of the patch in order to excite the two orthogonal modes.


Before using this command, keep the following in mind:

• The values estimated by this command are for the current active layer only. Depending on the substrate parameters, the patch parameters may be different for patches on different layers; therefore, it is important that you select the desired metal layer before accessing this command.

• This command is disabled if your structure does not contain ground planes or if it contains two ground planes and you have selected a metal layer between them.

• The method used to estimate the patch parameters is an approximate method based on the cavity model; therefore, the values given are only rough estimates.

To estimate a CP corners-truncated patch:

1. Select the trace layer on which the patch lies.

2. Click Printed Antennas>CP Corners Truncated. Estimate parameters appear on the right side of the Estimate module’s window.

3. Enter the frequency in the Frequency box, in GHz. This frequency is independent of the maximum frequency entered in the solution setup.

4. Click Calculate to perform the estimate. The estimated information appears in the following boxes:


Square Length

Displays the estimated dimension of the unperturbed square patch in the current working units.

Corner Length

Displays the estimated dimension of the corner to be cut away from the unperturbed square patch in the current working units. The shape of the cut-away corner is a right angle triangle having two equal sides along the edges of the patch.

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