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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Frequency Sweeps >
   Discrete Frequency Sweep        

Discrete Frequency Sweep

For a Discrete frequency sweep, Designer explicitly generates a field solution at each division within the selected frequency range. The more points you request, the longer Designer takes to complete the frequency sweep.

Unless Save Currents is selected in the sweep setup dialog box, the field solution for each point is deleted so that a new field solution can be generated for the next point. The S-parameters are always saved for every solved frequency point.

Be aware that if you choose to perform an adaptive analysis, Designer adaptively refines the mesh only at the adaptive frequency. It uses the resulting mesh without further refinement at all other frequency points. Because the mesh is optimized only for the adaptive frequency, it is possible for the accuracy of the results to vary at frequencies significantly far away from the adaptive frequency. To minimize the variance, use the middle of the frequency range (or slightly higher) as the adaptive frequency. After inspecting the results, run additional solutions with the adaptive frequency set to the critical frequencies to check the validity of the sweep data.

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