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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Setting Up Excitations >
   Changing the Reference Surface       

Changing the Reference Surface

Planar EM ports have traditionally been single-terminal excitations, in which the negative polarity reference for a port defaults to an infinite ground layer or, in the absence of an infinite ground layer, to a point infinitely far away from the port.

If your model has a two-terminal excitation, you can override this default behavior by designating the voltage reference for the port. Typical applications include referencing one signal line to another (a differential pair,) or referencing a trace to a finite ground, either in-plane (a CPW) or out of plane (a finite ground antenna.)

To change a port’s voltage reference:

1. Select the edge on a signal layer that you want to be the reference surface.

2. Right-click the excitation in the project tree and select Add Reference.

The reference is changed to the edge you selected.


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