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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Optimetrics >
   Setting up an Optimization Analysis >
       Available Optimizers           

Available Optimizers

When running an optimization analysis, you can select an optimizer.

1. Under the Goals tab of the Setup Optimization dialog box, click Optimizer.

• In Planar EM and Nexxim analyses, you have the following choices of optimizer: Sequential Nonlinear Programming, Sequential Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, Quasi Newton, Pattern Search, and Genetic Algorithm.

• In System analyses, you have the following choices of optimizer: Gradient, Random, Minimax, and Levenberg Marquardt.

2. With the Random optimizer in System designs, you can specify that the seed be randomized. If the seed is not randomized, each trial will generate the same sequence of random values.

Related Topics

Optimizers in Planar EM and Nexxim

Optimizers in the System Simulator

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