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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
MOSFET Levels 55 through 99 >
   MOSFET Instance, Philips MOS1101 Version 11010 Physical Model (Level 63)       

MOSFET Instance, Philips MOS1101 Version 11010 Physical Model (Level 63)


Philips MOS11010 Physical MOSFET Instance Netlist Syntax

Philips MOS11 Level 1100, 11010 (1101 physical), and 11011 (1101 binned) MOSFET models are grouped as HSPICEÔ Level 63. All Philips MOS11 instances use the following netlist syntax:

Mxxxx nd ng ns [nb] modelname [[L=]length] [[W=]width]

[AD=val] [AS=val] [PD=val] [PS=val]

[DTA=val] [MULT=val] [DTEMP=val]

nd is the drain node, ng is the gate node, ns is the source node, and nb is the bulk or substrate node of the MOSFET. modelname is the name of a Level 63 MOSFET model defined in a .MODEL statement elsewhere in the netlist.

When the option WL is in effect (on the .OPTION statement), the syntax becomes:

Mxxxx nd ng ns [nb] modelname [width] [length]

[AD=val] [AS=val] [PD=val] [PS=val]

[DTA=val] [MULT=val] [DTEMP=val]

All Philips MOS11 MOSFETs use the same set of instance parameters. See MOSFET Instance, Philips MOS1100 Model for details on the instance parameters for all Level 63 MOSFETs.

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