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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Linear Network Analysis >
   LNA Technical Notes >
       Nexxim DC Noise Analysis >
           Output Noise Matrix               

Output Noise Matrix

Noise analysis generates a matrix Syy of transfer functions that show the noise power spectral density (noise power at each output at each frequency), in units of Volt2/Hz or Amp2/Hz.



Syy is the power spectral density at the output. The size of Syy is (number_of_outputs × number of outputs).

Sxx is the power spectral density of the noise sources at frequency ω radians per second. Typically, Sxx is a diagonal matrix.

TF is the transfer function matrix at the output due to the noise sources. TFH is the Hermitian transpose of the TF-matrix.

The output noise (Onoise) matrix is calculated from Syy with the formula:


The interpretation of the output noise matrix depends on the numbers of outputs, and on the presence and numbers of input reference nodes.

When there is just one output, the result is the square root of spectrum of noise power at that output over the specified range of frequencies.

When there are N>1 outputs, the result is an N×N matrix. The diagonal elements of the matrix are the square root of the self-noise spectrum for each output port (Onoise_n_n). The off-diagonal elements are the square roots of the cross-noise spectrum between each pair of output ports (Onoise_n1_n2). Each element is actually a vector showing the transfer functions at all of the test frequencies.

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