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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Linear Network Analysis >
   LNA Technical Notes       

LNA Technical Notes

Linear network analysis performs a frequency-domain analysis of the circuit linearized around the DC operating point. In addition to the basic linear analysis, you can run a DC noise analysis, a group delay analysis, and/or an AC transfer function analysis.

Linear analysis can be used with all passive circuits, and with active circuits that operate under small-signal conditions. In linear analysis the signal level and termination values do not cancel the small-signal conditions, and the superposition principle holds.

After a successful linear-circuit analysis, the results reflect the electrical characteristics of the circuit under small-signal conditions. The results of the analysis are linear network parameters such as scattering (S), admittance (Y), hybrid (H), and impedance (Z) parameters, port parameters such as RHO and VSWR, and noise parameters such as NF and FMIN.


Nexxim issues a warning message if the circuit contains floating nodes or nodes with single connections. Only nodes with a single branch connection that is both conservative and constitutive are flagged. For example, the controlling nodes in a VCVS have a constitutive/behavioral/relational connection to the controlled nodes, but not a physical/structural/conservative connection, and therefore are not flagged.

The results also include transfer functions of each output current over each input voltage at each of the test frequencies. Transfer functions are typically complex values.

LNA Netlist Inputs and Outputs


Nexxim Group Delay Analysis

Nexxim DC Noise Analysis

LNA-Associated AC Analysis

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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