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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexsys Discrete Time Domain Analysis >
   Nexsys MATLAB User Defined Models       

Nexsys MATLAB User Defined Models

Nexsys can simulate with user-defined models (UDMs) for behavioral (functional) components using the MATLAB® interpretive language (MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.) The user supplies a model file defining the model name and the corresponding MATLAB functionality. When Nexsys encounters a component defined with a MATLAB UDM, Nexsys calls the MATLAB function defined in the model file, and the MATLAB engine carries out the computations for the model.

Using MATLAB co-simulation, the user can combine the Nexsys system design environment and Designer report generator with the enormous existing MATLAB functionality in DSP, communications, vector manipulation, and optimization. MATLAB can be also used to to display the simulation results in real time.

Here are links to the main subtopics relating to Nexsys MATLAB UDMs:

Setting Up Nexsys Cosimulation with MATLAB

The Nexsys MATLAB Model File

Creating a MATLAB UDM Component in Designer

Example MATLAB Model Files

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