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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexsys Discrete Time Domain Analysis   

Nexsys Discrete Time Domain Analysis

Nexsys discrete time domain simulation is a comprehensive simulation environment for mixed-mode systems containing both functional and electrical components.

•  Functional components are time-domain behavioral components with an input-output transformation and a unidirectional data flow (signals flow in one direction from the input to the output).

•  Electrical components are bi-directional components (signals propagate in both directions). Linear electrical networks can be described in the frequency domain using S-parameters or the equivalent. Nonlinear components such as transistors and diodes use time domain models.

In a Nexsys design, functional and electrical components and subdesigns may be connected arbitrarily. Nexsym analysis seamlessly integrates with NexximTransient analysis and Envelope analysis to solve mixed-mode design problems at differing levels of abstraction. Nexsys time domain analysis allows the simulation of arbitrary wired/wireless communications system topologies and other system-level applications. A Matlab user-defined model capability allows the designer to take advantage of the enormous existing Matlab functionalities in DSP, communications, vector manipulation and optimization to co-simulate with Nexsys.


The topics for this section include:

Creating and Simulating a Nexsys Design

Overview of Discrete Time Domain Analysis

Nexsys Simulation of a Mixed Mode Topology

Nexsys MATLAB User Defined Models

Nexsys Options


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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