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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Network Data Explorer >
   Loading Data Into NdExplorer       

Loading Data Into NdExplorer

When launching NdExplorer from within Designer, the current solution data is automatically loaded and ready for viewing. Alternatively, a file may be opened and loaded from within NdExplorer.

• The file browser may be accessed via the File > Open command or by clicking the Browse button.

The file browser allows you to open multiple files at a time. However, the displayed data always corresponds to the data set indicated in the Network data file field on the control pane; you can use its drop-down list to switch between primary datasets.

• Use the Files of type pulldown menu to select from the following file formats:
Touchstone Format, Touchstone 2 Format, Citifile, or Neutral Format.

• All data sets are available for data comparison, and all data sets which are open for comparison are also available as primary data sets.

• Opening one or more new files clears the current data sets. Additional data sets may be opened through the Compare matrix data control field, but this option does not clear the current data sets. For more information see Comparing Network Data.


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