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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Compact FLP Data File >
       One-Port Data           

One-Port Data




f1 a1 b1
f2 a1 b1:

where header is the FLP data bank header.

The entries f1, f2, . . represent frequencies, and the data pairs a1, b1 represent real values identifying the data for each data set. The actual numbers that replace a1 and b1 for each frequency are either the magnitude and angle (in degrees) or real and imaginary parts of the complex reflection coefficient, admittance or impedance.



DIODE2 6GHZ 8GHZ 3 50 1
PIN diode in 'ON' state with 20mA in pill package
* From the HP device library
 6GHZ 0.073 6.3
 7GHZ 0.09 9.9
 8GHZ 0.103 10.4

In this example, S-parameter data is given for three frequency points. The name of the data set is DIODE2.

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