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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Compact FLP Data File       

Compact FLP Data File

Compact FLP files contain network parameter data for one or more devices. Each device’s data is entered on sequential lines to form a data set. Each such data set begins with a mandatory header line that is used to identify the set followed by a mandatory description line. The header format is the same for all N-port data sets. Two-port network data sets may contain a subsequent secondary header for associated noise data. When multiple data sets are stored in a data bank file, they must be uniquely named.

FLP data bank files may contain multiple data sets, but they must all be of the same port size—that is, all two-port, all three-port, and so on—but not mixed.


Designer can read and import, but not write and export, data in the FLP format. The FLP format is documented to support backward compatibility only.


The topics for this section include:

FLP Data Header Form

One-Port Data

Two-Port Data

Three-Port Data

Four-Port Data

NPORT Data (Five or More Ports)


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