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Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand >
   Dynamic Links >
       Running a Dynamic Link Cosimulation           

Running a Dynamic Link Cosimulation

To run a cosimulation involving a dynamic link subcircuit, right click Analysis in the Project Tree for the top-level circuit and select Add Solution Setup. Set up the top-level analysis as desired. An icon for the solution is added to the Analysis list.

Right-click the top-level solution icon and select Analyze. The Progress Window displays simulation updates for the top-level circuit and subcircuit simultaneously.


The illustration above shows a cosimulation with a top design and a Planar EM dynamic link subcircuit.

When simulation is successfully completed, you can view the results for the top-level circuit. See Generating Reports and Post Processing for details.



You can create one or more solution setups local to a subcircuit by expanding the subcircuit icon, clicking on its local Analysis icon, and selecting Add Solution Setup. When you execute a local setup, it solves just the subcircuit.

However, these local solution setups are not used in the cosimulation; any local setup information and options are ignored during cosimulation. The cosimulation parameters are set up as described in the topics on Planar EM, Nexxim, HFSS, Q3d, and SI Wave dynamic links.

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