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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Working with Materials >
   Viewing and Modifying Material Attributes       

Viewing and Modifying Material Attributes

1. Open the Material Browser by clicking Tools > Edit Libraries > Materials.


2. Select the material you want to view or modify, and then click View/Edit Materials to open the Material Editor. The material name and its property values are listed.




By default, not all of the available properties are displayed in the materials table. Only the properties commonly used by the product are displayed. To view the complete table of properties, see Filtering Materials.

3. Under View/Edit Material for, select:

• Active Design to display properties used in the active design.

• This Product to display properties commonly used by this product.

• All Products to display all properties available. This enlarges the table of properties to show all properties possible. You can use the scroll bars or size the dialog to see all properties.

4. You can modify the material as follows:

a. Provide a new name for the material in the Material Name text box.

b. Under Type, specify whether a material property is Simple, Anisotropic, Vector and Vector Mag, or for Relative Permeability, Non-linear, as required for that property.

For Simple, you provide a value or variable.

For Anisotropic, you provide tensor values.

For Vector, you provide a Vector Mag.

For Non-Linear, you provide a Data Set.

c. Provide new material property values in the Value boxes.

d. Change the units for a material property.

Note: Materials stored in Ansoft’s global material library cannot be modified.


If you modify a material that is assigned in the active project after generating a solution, the solution will be invalid.

Selecting All Products enables the View/ Edit Modifier checkbox for Thermal Modifier. Checking the Thermal Modifier box causes the Thermal column to display at the right side of the Properties of the Material table. Selecting Edit rather than None in the Thermal column opens the Edit Thermal Modifier dialog; you may specify thermal quadratic parameters for a material and then click OK to close the dialog.

5. Validate Material, if you so desire. If the validation succeeds, a green check mark appears below the Validate Material button. If validation fails, a red X appears instead, and an error message displays which parameter value(s) are invalid for which product(s), and why.

6. Click Set Frequency Dependency to set options for one of the following:

• Piecewise Linear Input

• Loss Model Input

• Low-Loss Dielectric Model Input

• Enter Frequency Dependent Data Points

After you set options, the Value column of the Material Editor indicates that a material’s value is set to be frequency dependent, rather than simply set to a constant.


7. Click OK to save the changes and return to the Material Browser.




Materials stored in Ansoft’s global material library cannot be modified.


For more information see The Edit Material Dialog Box.



The topics for this section include:

Edit Thermal Modifier

Specify Thermal Quadratic Parameters

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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