有谁用CST或HFSS仿过天线罩啊?能不能发个模型什么的过来。或是给个建模方面 的指点。这个一般都是...
Hi everyone, I designed a coil of traces (meant to...
I am new to CST MWS. I want to model a ground plan...
Hi guys, does anyone know how to design a helical ...
I designed a dipole meander coil and added all my ...
I am using a waveguide port to excite a microstrip...
Hi every one,I am simulating a horn antenna with a...
I am trying to simulate an sntenna at 0.3 THz. I m...
What does it do when the progress bar says this? T...
Hello everyone, need help with next problemI got a...
Hello everybody,I installed the CST microwave stud...
When I run Frequency Domain Solver with hexahedral...
Hi everyone,I would like to ask you for explanatio...
Hi, may I know how do I automate or create a scrip...
please provide the necessary design steps to desig...
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