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Welcome to IEEE MAPE2013


Welcome to MAPE2013The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications (MAPE 2013):

The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologiesfor Wireless Communications (MAPE2013) will be held in Chengdu,China during October 29 to 31, 2013.The Symposium will take place in celebration of the information era milestone. The aim of the Symposium is to provide a multidiscipline forum for engineers and scientists in the fields of microwave, antenna, propagation, and EMC technologies to focus on applications in the ever-growing area of wireless communications. The topics of the symposium will cover all of the interesting theory and techniques of microwaves, antennas, propagation, and EMC necessary for wireless communications.

The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Beijing Section, the IEEE AP Society and Beijing Jiaotong University, and technically co-sponsored by the IEEE ED Society, IEEE SP Society and Southwest Jiaotong University. You are cordially invited to summit papers to this important event in engineering and science and to meet colleagues from around the world in 2013 in China, where there are more potential challenges and opportunities for communications engineering, science, and technology.

Scope:Contributions describing original research, surveys, and applications these and other areas are solicited:

1.Wireless Communication:

  • WLANs
  • Wireless Sensors and Ad Hoc Networks
  • MIMO Technologies
  • UWB and Impulse Radio
  • 4th-Generation Mobile Wireless Systems
  • Radio Technologies for Intelligent Transport Systems
  • RFID
  • V2I / V2V Communications
  • Potential applications of V2V and V2I communications including ITS

2.Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technologies

  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Met materials
  • Complex Media and Artificial Media
  • Computational Electromagnetics
  • Optimization Methods in EM Design
  • Passive and Active Circuits
  • Power Amplifiers, Linearization, and Active Components
  • MMICs and Microwave Circuits
  • Microwave and Millimeter-Wave ICs
  • Millimeter-Wave and Sub-Millimeter-Wave Components,Circuits and Systems
  • Waveguide Structures

3.Antennas and Propagations:

  • Microstrip Antennas
  • Array Antennas, Phased Arrays, and Feeding Circuits
  • Adaptive and Smart Antennas
  • Ultra-Wideband, Broadband, and Multi-band Antennas
  • Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays
  • MEMS/Nanotechnology for antennas
  • Millimeter- and Optical-Wave Propagation
  • Earth-Space and Terrestrial Propagation
  • Ionospheric Propagation
  • Propagation and channel characterization
  • Signal Separation and Interference Rejection

4.Signal Processing, Coding, or Waveforms:

  • Error Control Coding
  • Interference Excision/Suppression
  • Bandwidth-Efficient Modulation
  • Orthogonal FDM
  • Space-Time Codes
  • Analog-to-Digital Conversion
  • Signal Processing Tools for Ad Hoc, Multi-Hop, and SensorNetworks
  • Information Fusion

5.Electromagnetic Compatibility:

  • EMC/EMI Simulators, Visualization, and Education
  • EMC Measurement Technology
  • Biological Effects and Medical Applications
  • EMC Standard
  • Interference and Spectrum Management on the GNSS RF bands

6.Micro-Electronic Devices, Circuits, and Systems:

  • New Materials
  • Design, Simulation, and Analysis
  • Circuits and Sub circuits for RF/IF/baseband
  • TV/Radio/Mobile/Satellite Chips
  • Advanced Process, Packaging, and Integration Technologies

7.Rader and Remote Sensing:

  • Remote Sensing
  • SAR Polarimetry and Interferometry
  • Subsurface Sensing
  • Remote Sensing with GNSS & Integrated Systems

8.Communication, Information and Control Technologies for Railway Applications:

  • Advanced train control
  • Communications and signaling of High-speed Train Control System
  • Traffic control and safety of high-speed railways
  • Driverless and automatic train operation
  • Computer techniques and simulations
  • Railway vehicle dynamics
  • Electromagnetic Interference Control of High-speed Railway
  • Monitoring and maintenance
Paper Submission

Authors are requested to submit their preliminary full paper manuscripts electronically according to the instructions on the Web site before June 31, 2013,to

Prof. Yinghong Wen

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

E-mail: mape_china@sina.com
