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Optical Multistage Interconnection Networks: New Challenges

Speaker: Prof. Yi Pan, Georgia State University
Place: Room 222, Teaching Building of School of Software, Tsinghua University.(软件学院222房间)
Time: 2007年8月24日上午9:00.
Abstract: In this talk, we will consider how to realize permutations (regular communication patterns and general message routing irregular patterns) in an undilated optical MIN efficiently using the time domain approach. This issue encompass following questions: 1). what permutations (one-to-one) communication are realizable in two passes in an optical MIN? 2). how to schedule the messages so that the minimum number of passes are used to route the messages? 3). how to route messages under irregular patterns? 4). what routing strategies are more effective, both speed and quality should be considered. We analyze the permutation routing algorithm in multistage interconnection network. Besides, we propose efficient heuristic implementation of the algorithm in Benes network. Simulation results prove that our implementation are very close to the optimal and are very efficient.
Short Biography: Dr. Yi Pan is a Prof. and Chair of the Computer Sci. Dept., Georgia State University.   He entered Tsinghua University with the highest entrance score among all high school graduates in Jiangsu province, 1977. Prof. Pan received BS and MS degrees in Computer Eng. from Tsinghua University 1982 and 1984, respectively, and his Ph.D degree in Computer Sci. from the University of Pittsburgh, USA 1991. His research interests include Parallel and Distributed Computing, optical networks, wireless networks and bioinformatics. He is now serving in the editorial boards of 15 international journals as an associate editor or editor-in-chief including IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems and 4 other IEEE Transactions. He is co-inventor of 3 US patents, and 5 pending patents. He has published more than 100 journal papers including more than 30 IEEE papers.  He serves in various major conferences, such as, INFOCOM, GLOBECOM, ICC, IPDPS, ICDCS, and ICPP. He got a lot of awards from NSF, AFOSR, JSPS, and many other places.

