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简历名称:name_mobile.doc (例如:赵明_13810013xxx.doc)
Radio Design Engineer(PA)
Description:Ericsson China Access Network R&D Center is looking for Radio
Hardware Design Engineers for base station radio unit development.
You will be responsible for Ericsson RBS product design, verification and
maintenance on radio functions, such as PA(Power Amplifier).
- Perform theory analysis and simulation for radio hardware design.
- Design, verify and optimize radio performance for PA
- Support HW/SW function integration on board level and radio unit level
- Follow Ericsson design and daily work process/procedure to carry out
all design activities effectively and efficiently
- Keep study continuously to maintain competition level and Research
radio cutting-edge technology
- Radio unit automated test environment development
- Failure trouble shooting, and support production when needed
- MS or above in Wireless Communication or equivalent
- 3 + years experience in telecommunications
- Solid knowledge in microwave and electromagnetic field, experiences
on Radio Circuit design like: Power Amplifier, RF Switch, etc
- Solid knowledge of radio standards (GSM, WCDMA,CDMA and LTE)
- Familiar with radio instruments such as spectrum analyzer, network
analyzer, signal generator, etc.
- Good analytical and problem solving skills
- Good communication skills and social abilities
- Good written and spoken English

Preferred Experience on
- Familiarity of radio simulation SW such as ADS, HFSS
- Automatic test development design using Matlab, VEE or Labview
- Transceiver link design(Such as Link budget, Requirement allocation,
Key component selection)
- Familiar with PA theory and state-of-the-art PA technique used in
mobile communication instrument, including PA linearization and efficiency
improvement technique.
- Provide reasonable PA proposal according to system requirement,
including link budget, power budget and line-up. Finish PA key components
evaluation and select suitable PA solution

看到这想起当年面试另外一个部门   有个叫老杨的二货 就因为我面试去晚了一会 解释了半天  还唧唧歪歪  到处告状 后来想想幸亏没去  和这种人共事  没好事
