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学术报告:Evolutionary Planar Transmission-Line Structures

报告题目:Evolutionary Planar Transmission-Line Structures: their Physics, and Practicality
报告人:Prof. Ching-Kuang Clive Tzuang(庄晴光教授)
Speaker Biography:
庄晴光教授1977年获台湾国立交通大学学士学位,1980年获美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)硕士学位,1986年获美国德州大学奥斯汀分校博士学位。曾担任国立交通大学和国立台湾大学教授,现为天津大学教授、“千人计划”入选者。早在1999年就由于在微波领域的杰出贡献被IEEE(国际电气与电子工程师协会)评为Fellow。是国际微波学会(IEEE MTT-S)的执行常委(Member Of AdComm)、自1998年起就连续担任微波领域最高水平国际年会(IEEE International Symposium On Microwave)技术委员会委员、目前也担任本领域世界权威杂志IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters的主编(Editor-In-Chief)(是第一个欧美以外的主编)、在世界上最早开放出射频梳形滤波器(目前商业化的此类滤波器都是基于此基本结构)。领导开发的10 GHz交通监管雷达成功地进入实测使用;领导开发的60 GHz系统和日本国家通信研究所联合成功申请成为IEEE 60 GHz通信标准之一。
This presentation aims to report the milestones of planar transmission-line structures since Grieg and Engelmann reported “Microstrip-a new transmission technique for the Kilomegacycle Range,” in 1952, 60 years ago, exploring their impact on modern integrated circuit technology and system applications. The inhomogeneous microstrip guided-wave structure consists of a conducting strip above a much wider ground plane supported by a dielectric substrate. The invention leads to many new guided-wave structures for a variety of applications, such as, slotline, coplanar waveguide, uniplanar configuration, etc. In 1971, rigorous field-theoretic techniques began to enable the characterization of dispersion characteristics of a microstrip.  
The spectral-domain immittance approach to the Green’s function derivations of the stratified, planar, coupled microstrip transmission-line system explicitly reveals the hybrid nature of the TE and TM waves propagating within the guided-wave structure, which mixes both polarized waves at the interfaces residing on the metal strips. The fast formulism together with efficient numerical algorithms, for example, permits deeper insightful understanding of complex modes in lossless, boxed planar structures, in connection to the classical coupled-mode theory. On the other hand, another important domain knowledge of leaky-mode phenomena (also complex waves) gradually emerges, leading to the design of a class of a large antenna array, which can be best described by modal theory, thus, transforming a full-wave cut-and-trial design procedure into a deterministic eigenvalue problem. The leakage phenomenon exists in nearly every planar transmission-line structure known to date.
Microstrip mode propagation on a periodically perturbed ground plane at an interval of half guided-wavelength (with small holes etched on the ground plane), presented in the 1997 APMC, opened the era of synthetic planar transmission-line structures. The periodically loaded microstrip enriches the modal properties in several ways, e.g., increase in slow-wave factor, additional complex modes, synthesized leaky modes in the forms of space and /or surface wave, etc. Furthermore, the periodic microstrip of the unit-cell-loaded ground plane guided-wave structure often demonstrates slow-wave factor exceeding the theoretical limit of the square root of relative dielectric constant of the supporting substrate, rendering significant miniaturization of a microwave device at little cost of losses. Another form of non-uniform periodic guided-wave structure, the so-called composite right-left-handed (CRLH) transmission-line metamaterial, represents a new advancement in planar transmission-line technology development, enabling the syntheses of exotic passive components, leaky modes, complex modes, etc. Recent studies show that the non-resonant CRLH transmission-line metamaterials can be a viable and potentially powerful candidate for terahertz electronic apparatus design, manifesting the slow-wave factor of exceeding 20 with ease on a typical monolithic integrated-circuit substrate technology. The presentation will briefly touch the mode conversion properties of microstrip structures.


嗯,opening speech
