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2012 ACM/IEEE/IFAC/TRB 国际车联网大会 (12-16 Dec 2012, 国家

ICCVE 2012(www.iccve.org)是真正的世界级盛会,由ACM, IEEE VTS, IEEE CESoc, IEEE IES, IEEE ITSS, IEEE CS, IEEE ComSoc, IEEE-SA, IFAC, TRB等国际权威学会/协会联合主办,每年一度,在北美、欧洲、亚太地区轮流举行。ICCVE 2012将于2012年12月12-16日在北京首屈一指的会议场所——国家会议中心举行。大会目前正在征集论文,截止日期为8月15日。ICCVE 2013将在美国拉斯维加斯举行。
2012 ACM/IEEE/IFAC/TRB International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2012)
December 12-16, 2012  |  China National Convention Center, Beijing, China
"Smarter, Safer, Faster, Cheaper, Cleaner"
Technically sponsored by ACM, IEEE VTS, IEEE CESoc, IEEE IES, IEEE ITSS, IEEE CS, IEEE ComSoc, IEEE-SA, IFAC and TRB, ICCVE 2012 is the first-ever Connected Vehicles conference that gathers all the relevant communities together. During the 5-day conference, more than 2,000 experts, practitioners and policy makers from all around the world will present the latest innovations and advances on connected vehicles, share the experience and insights, forecast the trends and opportunities, and discuss the policy, economics and social implications. We are proudly and excitedly inviting you to participate in and enjoy this world-class festival.
The conference program will feature paper sessions and workshops, industry summits and forums, demos, exhibits, tutorials, tours, and an applications contest. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Wireless Communications and Vehicular Networking;
2. Mobile Internet, Mobility Internet and Internet of Things;
3. Cooperative Driving, Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles;
4. Automotive Electronics and Automatic Control;
5. Transportation and Connected Vehicles;
6. Electric Vehicle and Transportation Electrification;
7. Geographic, Spatial and Social Information Systems;
8. Manufacturing and Product Safety Engineering in Connected Vehicles;
9. Practices, Recommendations and Standards in Connected Vehicles;
10. Policy, Economics and Social Implications of Connected Vehicles.
For more information, visit www.iccve.org


2012 ACM/IEEE/IFAC/TRB 国际车联网大会确认出席演讲嘉宾名单 (8月1日更新)
If you need one more reason to attend ICCVE 2012, please take a look at the latest list of our featured speakers:
Norman Y. Mineta (U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Retired)
Richard Hulett (Chair, IEEE-SA Standards Board)
Stephen Dukes (President, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society)
Johanna Zmud (Chair, TRB Policy and Organization Group)
Walid G. Aref (Chair, ACM SIGSPATIAL)
Reinhard Pfliegl (General Chair, 2012 ITS World Congress)
Paul Nikolich (Chair, IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee)
V. Setty Pendakur (Secretary, TRB Standing Committee on Transportation in the Developing Countries; Senior Counselor, State Council of the P.R. China)
Jane Lappin (Chair, TRB Standing Committee on Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Timothy Gordon (Chair, TRB Standing Committee on Vehicle-Highway Automation; Vice President, International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics)
Mehrdad Ehsani (Chair, Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Committee, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society)
Azer Bestavros (Chair, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on the Internet)
Jon Adams (Director, IEEE-ISTO; Chair, IEEE 802.15.4p Positive Train Control Task Group)
William Lumpkins (Standards Chair, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society)
ML Chan (Chair, Task Force 2 of IEEE P2030.1 Working Group; Chair, IEEE Power System Planning and Implementation Committee)
Oleg Logvinov (Director of Market Development, STMicroelectronics; CTO, HomePlug Powerline Alliance)
Bob Heile (Chairman and CEO, ZigBee Alliance; Chair, IEEE 802.15 Working Group on Wireless Personal Area Networks)
More speakers are being invited. Please keep revisiting this growing list at http://www.iccve.org/index.html?page=SPEAKERS
The first ACM/IEEE/IFAC/TRB International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2012)
December 12-16, 2012  |  China National Convention Center, Beijing, China
"Smarter, Safer, Faster, Cheaper, Cleaner"
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (6 pages) or short papers (2 pages) for presentation at the conference and publication in the Proceedings. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Wireless Communications and Vehicular Networking;
2. Mobile Internet, Mobility Internet and Internet of Things;
3. Cooperative Driving, Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles;
4. Automotive Electronics and Automatic Control;
5. Transportation and Connected Vehicles;
6. Electric Vehicle and Transportation Electrification;
7. Geographic, Spatial and Social Information Systems;
8. Manufacturing and Product Safety Engineering in Connected Vehicles;
9. Practices, Recommendations and Standards in Connected Vehicles;
10. Policy, Economics and Social Implications of Connected Vehicles.
Paper Submission Deadline: Aug 15, 2012
For more information, visit http://www.iccve.org

* Call for Papers *
Full Papers (6 pages, IEEE standard format, double column, 10-point font)
Short Papers (2 pages, IEEE standard format, double column, 10-point font)
Paper Submission Deadline: Aug 31, 2012 (FINAL EXTENSION)
2012 ACM/IEEE/IFAC/TRB国际车联网大会确认出席演讲嘉宾名单
* 美国前交通部长暨前商务部长Norman Y. Mineta先生;
* IEEE国际标准协会理事长Richard Hulett院士;
* IEEE国际消费电子学会主席Stephen Dukes院士;
* 美国国家科学院交通研究委员会(TRB)政策与组织主席Johanna Zmud博士;
* 美国计算机学会(ACM)空间信息分会(SIGSPATIAL)主席Walid G. Aref教授;
* 2012智能交通世界大会(ITS World Congress)主席Reinhard Pfliegl博士;
* IEEE 802系列标准委员会主席Paul Nikolich院士;
* 美国国家科学院交通研究委员会(TRB)发展中国家交通专委会秘书长暨中华人民共和国国务院总理外籍顾问V. Setty Pendakur教授;
* 美国国家科学院交通研究委员会(TRB)智能交通专委会主席Jane Lappin女士;
* 美国国家科学院交通研究委员会(TRB)车路协同专委会主席暨国际车辆系统动力学会副主席Timothy Gordon教授;
* IEEE国际车载技术学会纯电与混合动力车辆委员会主席Mehrdad Ehsani院士;
* IEEE国际计算机学会互联网专委会主席Azer Bestavros教授;
* IEEE-ISTO行业标准与技术协会董事暨IEEE 802.15.4p Positive Train Control精密机车调度标准工作组主席Jon Adams先生;
* IEEE国际消费电子学会标准委员会主席William Lumpkins先生;
* IEEE电力系统规划与实施委员会主席暨IEEE P2030.1智能电网标准工作组第2任务组主席ML Chan博士;
* 意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)全球市场总监暨HomePlug家用电力线网络联盟首席技术官Oleg Logvinov先生;
* ZigBee联盟主席兼首席执行官暨IEEE 802.15无线个域网标准工作组主席Bob Heile博士;
* Delphi全球副总裁兼首席技术官暨国际汽车工程学会(SAE International)前主席Andrew Brown Jr.院士。
* IEEE交通电气化战略委员会主席兼IEEE 2010-2011届董事会董事Lee Stogner先生。
  作为跨多学科、多行业的新兴技术领域,车联网(Connected Vehicles)致力于将车辆与各种设备、服务和参与者相联接,实现更加智慧、安全、高效、节约、环保的交通运输与出行。为了在全球范围内促进车联网领域的技术创新、市场培育、资源整合、产业集成和标准化进程,由IEEE Communications Society(国际通信学会)、IEEE Computer Society(国际计算机学会)、IEEE Consumer Electronics Society(国际消费电子学会)、IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(国际工业电子学会)、IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society(国际智能交通学会)、IEEE Vehicular Technology Society(国际车载技术学会)、IEEE Standards Association(国际标准协会)、IFAC(国际自动控制联合会)、ACM(美国计算机学会)、TRB(美国国家科学院交通研究委员会)等权威国际组织联合主办的首届国际车联网大会——2012 International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2012)将于2012年12月12-16日在北京国家会议中心隆重举行。本届大会是历史上第一次聚合了几乎所有的车联网相关权威国际组织的世界级盛会,预计将有逾2000名来自世界各地的专家学者、业界领袖和政府官员齐聚一堂,交流最新的技术成果,分享实践经验与心得,预测发展趋势和市场机会,并讨论相关的政策、经济和社会影响。5天的大会议程包括论文研讨会、行业论坛、高峰论坛、应用大赛、演示、培训、展览及参观。大会议题包括:无线通信与车载网络;移动互联网与物联网;协同驾驶、智能与自动车辆;汽车电子与自动控制;交通运输与车联网;电动汽车与交通电气化;地理信息、空间信息与社交信息系统;车联网相关制造与产品安全;车联网相关实践、建议与标准;车联网相关政策、经济与社会影响。
  作为供车联网相关所有领域的专家、实践者和政策制订者交流最新成果、分享观点与碰撞思想火花的顶级国际会议,ICCVE系列大会将一年一度在亚太、美洲和欧洲轮流召开。据大会组委会透露,ICCVE 2013将移师美国拉斯维加斯市,拉斯维加斯市所处的内华达州是美国第一个立法允许无人驾驶汽车上路的州。
