Coupling Matrix新软件
Coupling Matrix
Synthesis of bandpass coupling matrix
Synthesis of bandstop coupling matrix
The bandpass and bandstop filter synthesis wizard allows a fast synthesis of the coupling matrix for a bandpass or bandstop filter with generalized Chebyshev response and required specification (filter order, return loss level, defined pure-imaginary transmission or complex transmission zeros and filter topology). The resulting coupling matrix is an excellent starting point for a filter design. The Filter Wizard uses a unique technique for coupling matrix synthesis, which is capable to find the couplings for various non-standard, unique topologies including several load(source)-resonator and direct load-source couplings.
Synthesis of bandpass coupling matrix
Synthesis of bandstop coupling matrix
The bandpass and bandstop filter synthesis wizard allows a fast synthesis of the coupling matrix for a bandpass or bandstop filter with generalized Chebyshev response and required specification (filter order, return loss level, defined pure-imaginary transmission or complex transmission zeros and filter topology). The resulting coupling matrix is an excellent starting point for a filter design. The Filter Wizard uses a unique technique for coupling matrix synthesis, which is capable to find the couplings for various non-standard, unique topologies including several load(source)-resonator and direct load-source couplings.
Synthesis for narrowband combline filters
Synthesis for broadband combline filters
Synthesis of bandpass coupling matrix
Synthesis of bandstop coupling matrix
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en 是的
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seesee seesee
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