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A compact dual-band UWB filter based on the parallel line structure with the slot-line

We have proposed a compact dual-band UWB filter based on the parallel line
structure with the slot-line. The wide passband response is excited by the U-shaped slot-line
resonator (SLR) and further improved by shorted slot stubs to form the dual-band
performance. The proposed wideband BPF is experimented to verify the design concept. The
measured results exhibit a 3-dB bandwidth from 3.44 to 9.9 GHz and a 3-dB FWB of 103%,
a minimum insertion loss of 0.367 dB. Moreover, the filter achieves high channel selectivity
due to transmission zeros located near the passband edge.

ㄚ咧樓主忘了PO文件上來! 可惜!
