比如: 按钮 Avg下面有5个菜单:
1. Avg Factor: 16
2.Averaging ON/OFF
3.Smo Aperture: 1.5000%
4.Smoothing OFF
5.IF Babdwidth 10khz
网址呢? 感谢!
1. Avg Factor: 16 测试16次平均
2.Averaging ON/OFF 取平均开关
3.Smo Aperture: 1.5000% 不知道?
4.Smoothing OFF 平滑开关
5.IF Babdwidth 10khz 中频带宽 10khz
准确的中文翻译我不知道,给你抄一点儿Agilent ENA User's Guide上面的内容吧。在Optimizing Measurement章Expanding the Dynamic Range节和Reducing Trace Noise节都提到了上面的几个参数:
Narrowing the IF bandwidth
Narrowing the receiver IF bandwidth enables you to reduce the effect of random noise on measurements. Narrowing the IF bandwidth to 1/10 the original bandwidth causes the receiver noise floor to decrease by 10 dB.
Turning on Sweep Averaging
Using sweep averaging also enables you to reduce the effects of random noise on measurements. Sweep averaging averages data from each point (vector quantity) based on the exponential average of a continuous sweep weighted by the averaging factor specified by the user.
Turning on Smoothing
Smoothing can be used to reduce noise that has relatively small peaks. By turning on smoothing, the value of each point on a trace is represented by the moving average over the values of several nearby points. The smoothing aperture (percentage of sweep span) defines the range of points to be included in the calculation of the moving average.
NOTE You can define the smoothing trace by trace.一定要有说明书,不但有详细的操作步骤,还有相关的名词解释和理论推导,效果图例。
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