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首页 > 无线通信 > 通信技术学习讨论 > 请问一般移动通信中仿真能达到多大的信噪比?


一般仿真中 ,比如说在40dB时能达到10e-5的Ber,那么需要的发射功率是多少 ?实际系统能达到这个要求吗?怎样计算发射功率和信噪比之间的关系? 谢谢。


In simulations, we usually simulate from 0 dB to 20 dB.
Sometimes, 30 or higher SNR is also tested for asympototic performance.
I am also wondering how to relate the simulated SNR to the real SNR.
One possible way may be first find the energy of background noise. Usually on the frequence of 2G, it is -95 to -100 dBw in Beijing. (But I don't know how much is the themal noise in the receiver).  Then, according to the fading channel model, we can get strength of the received signal, which is related with 1/d^r, where d is the distance and r >= 2, according to the environment.

relay SNR是什么东东,没有听过

Typo /shy
It should be "Real SNR"
I guess you are from MAC layer or Network layer. While in physical layer, both transmitted SNR and received SNR is okay for simulation. For myself, I use transmitted SNR, due to a fair comparison.

what a fair comparison indicates? the same tx power?

yes. In some of my cases, the receiver is moving around and the received SNR is not easy to compare.

是bit error, symbol error还是packet loss?
另外还要看是code signal还是uncoded signal。

coded signal的 BER 应该很快就降下来吧。


