*Global - Messages
[warning] Left-alt + shift is currently used by the system to toggle the input language. It is also used in some portions of this application, which may cause the input language to change unexpectedly.
dingxiangouheqi (C:/Users/user/Documents/Ansoft/)
HFSSDesign1 (DrivenModal)
[error] Polygon center and start point are not in the same(XY) plane. (4:50:31 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[error] No conductors were found on port '1', so auto assignment of conductors on that port cannot proceed. (8:55:30 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[error] No conductors were found on port '2', so auto assignment of conductors on that port cannot proceed. (9:02:31 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[error] No conductors were found on port '3', so auto assignment of conductors on that port cannot proceed. (9:02:31 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[warning] Left-alt + shift is currently used by the system to toggle the input language. It is also used in some portions of this application, which may cause the input language to change unexpectedly.
dingxiangouheqi (C:/Users/user/Documents/Ansoft/)
HFSSDesign1 (DrivenModal)
[error] Polygon center and start point are not in the same(XY) plane. (4:50:31 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[error] No conductors were found on port '1', so auto assignment of conductors on that port cannot proceed. (8:55:30 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[error] No conductors were found on port '2', so auto assignment of conductors on that port cannot proceed. (9:02:31 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[error] No conductors were found on port '3', so auto assignment of conductors on that port cannot proceed. (9:02:31 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[error] Polygon center and start point are not in the same(XY) plane. (4:50:31 下午 十月 07, 2014)
[error] Polygon center and start point are not in the same(XY) plane. (4:50:31 下午 十月 07, 2014)
模型在这里,是设置终端求解的情况下,可是就是不知道怎么设置激励,用的是hfss 13.0 版本的。
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