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最近阅读一篇文章,遇到不明白的关键词,即bandgap effect 是带隙效应,谁能帮我解答一下究竟是什么意思?但是我明白这可能和带线之间的寄生电容和电感有关,但是具体的产生原理不明白,求教!


It is a section of microstrip line with a pattern etched on the line itself.The narrow connecting lines in the CMRC pattern lead to the increase of series inductance. In contrast, the coupling edges
of the triangular patches and the microstrip line increase the
shunt capacitance. The enhanced series inductance and shunt
capacitance produce the slow-wave and bandgap effects.

It is a section of microstrip line with a pattern etched on the line itself.The narrow connecting lines in the CMRC pattern lead to the increase of series inductance. In contrast, the coupling edges (9b%'@A@m  
of the triangular patches and the microstrip line increase the & jm1  
shunt capacitance. The enhanced series inductance and shunt D^6Q`o  
capacitance produce the slow-wave and bandgap effects.


我说的是bandgap effect,这有缝隙的意思?不解呀
