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# include <math.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# define KE 200                                  /* KE is the number of cells to be used */
void main ()
      float dx[KE], ex[KE], hy[KE], ix[KE];
      float ga[KE],gb[KE];
      int n,m,k,kc,ke,kstart,NSTEPS;
      float T,ddx,dt,epsz,epsilon,sigma;
      float t0,spread,pi,pulse;
      FILE *fp;
      float ex_low_m1,ex_low_m2,ex_high_m1,ex_high_m2;
      float real_pt[5][KE],imag_pt[5][KE];      
      float freq[5],arg[5],ampn[5][KE],phasen[5][KE];
      float real_in[5],imag_in[5],amp_in[5],phase_in[5];
     // float mag[KE];
      pi = 3.14159;
      kc = KE/2;                                    /* Center of the problem space*/
      ddx = .01;                                 /* Cell size */
      dt = ddx/6e8;                              /* Time steps */
      epsz = 8.8e-12;
      printf (" %6.4f  %10.5e \n",ddx,dt);
      /*Initialize to free space  */
      for (k = 0; k <KE; k++)
          ga[k] = 1.;
          gb[k] = 0.;
          ex[k] = 0;
          dx[k] = 0;
          hy[k] = 0;
          ix[k] = 0;
         // mag[k] = 0;
          for (m=0; m<=2; m++)
              real_pt[m][k] = 0;                 /* Real and imaginary parts of Fourier Transform    */
              imag_pt[m][k] = 0;                  
              ampn[m][k] = 0;                    /* Amplitude and phase of the Fourier Transforms */
              phasen[m][k] =0;              
      for ( m=0; m<=2; m++)
          real_in[m] = 0;                        /* Fourier Trans of input pulse */
          imag_in[m] = 0;
      /* Parameters for the Fourier Transform */
      freq[0] = 100.e6;
      freq[1] = 200.e6;
      freq[2] = 500.e6;
      for (n=0; n<=2; n++)
          arg[n] = 2*pi*freq[n]*dt;
          printf ("%2d %6.2f %7.5f \n",n,freq[n]*1e-6,arg[n]);
      printf ("Dielectric starts at -->");
      scanf ("%d",&kstart);
      printf ("Epsilon -->");
      scanf ("%f",&epsilon);
      printf ("Conductivity -->");
      scanf ("%f",&sigma);
      printf ("%d %6.2f %6.2f \n",kstart,epsilon,sigma);
      /* Initialize the parameters */
      for (k=kstart; k<KE; k++)
          ga[k] = 1./(epsilon+sigma*dt/epsz);
          gb[k] = sigma*dt/epsz;
      for (k=1; k<KE; k++)
          printf ("%2d  ga[k]=%4.2f gb[k]=%4.2f\n",k,ga[k],gb[k]);
      /* These parameters specify the input pulse */
      t0=50.0;                                   /* Center of the incident pulse */
      spread=10.0;                                 /* Width of the incident pulse */
            while ( NSTEPS>0)
      /* Main part of the program */
      printf ("NSTEPS -->  ");                   /* NSTEPS is the number of times the */
      scanf (" %d", &NSTEPS);                    /* main loop has executed */
      printf (" %d \n",NSTEPS);
      for (n=1; n<=NSTEPS; n++)
          T=T+1;                                 /* T keeps track of the total number */
                                                 /* of times the main loop is executed */
          /* Main FDTD Loop */
          /* Calculate the Dx field */
          for (k=1; k<KE; k++)
              dx[k] = dx[k] +.5*(hy[k-1]-hy[k]);
          /* Initialize with a Guassian pulse */
          pulse = exp(-.5*(pow( (t0-T)/spread,2.0) ));
          dx[5] = dx[5] + pulse;
          printf ("%5.1f %6.2f  %6.2f\n",T,pulse,dx[5]);
          /* Calculate Ex from Dx */
          for ( k=1; k<KE;k++)
              ex[k] = ga[k]*(dx[k] - ix[k]);
              ix[k] = ix[k] + gb[k]*ex[k];
           /* Calculate the Fourier transform of Ex. */
          for ( k=0;k<KE;k++)
              for (m=0;m<=2;m++)
                  real_pt[m][k] = real_pt[m][k] + cos(arg[m]*T)*ex[k];
                  imag_pt[m][k] = imag_pt[m][k] - sin(arg[m]*T)*ex[k];
          /* Fourier Transform of the input pulse */
          if (T<100)
              for (m=0; m<=2; m++)
                   real_in[m] = real_in[m] + cos (arg[m]*T)*ex[10];
                   imag_in[m] = imag_in[m] - sin (arg[m]*T)*ex[10];
          /*Absorbing Boundary Conditions*/
          ex[0]      =       ex_low_m2;
          ex_low_m2  =       ex_low_m1;
          ex_low_m1  =       ex[1];
          ex[KE-1]   =       ex_high_m2;
          ex_high_m2 =       ex_high_m1;
          ex_high_m1 =       ex[KE-2];
          /* Calculate the Hy field */
          for ( k=0; k<KE-1; k++)
              hy[k] = hy[k] + .5*(ex[k]-ex[k+1]);
      /* End of the Main FDTD Loop */
      /* At the end of the calculation,print out
      the Ex and Hy fields */
      for (k=0; k<KE; k++)
          printf ("%2d  %6.2f  %6.2f \n",k,dx[k],ex[k]);
      /* Write the E field out ot a file "Ex" */
      fp=fopen( "Ex","w");
      for (k=0;k<KE;k++)
          fprintf (fp," %6.3f \n",ex[k]);
      /* Calculate the amplitude and phase of each frequency */
      /* Amplitude and phase of the input pulse */
      for ( m=0; m<=2; m++)
           amp_in[m] = sqrt (pow (imag_in[m],2) + pow(real_in[m],2));
           phase_in[m] = atan2 (imag_in[m],real_in[m]);
           printf ( "%d Input Pulse : %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %7.2f \n",
           for ( k=0; k<KE; k++)
               ampn[m][k] = (1./amp_in[m])*sqrt( pow(real_pt[m][k],2.)
                             + pow(imag_pt[m][k],2.));
               phasen[m][k] = atan2(imag_pt[m][k],real_pt[m][k])
      /* Write the amplitude field out to a files "Amp" */
      fp=fopen( "Amp0","w");
      for (k=0;k<KE;k++)
          fprintf (fp," %8.5f \n",ampn[0][k]);
      fp=fopen( "Amp1","w");
      for (k=0;k<KE;k++)
          fprintf (fp," %8.5f \n",ampn[1][k]);
      fp=fopen( "Amp2","w");
      for (k=0;k<KE;k++)
          fprintf (fp," %8.5f \n",ampn[2][k]);
      printf("%5.1f \n",T);
