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新加坡微电子研究院首席科学家 林福江博士

A Low Power 60GHz OOK Transceiver System
in 90nm CMOS with Innovative On-Chip AMC Antenna
报告人: 新加坡微电子研究院  首席科学家 林福江博士
时间地点:清华大学东主楼10-309 12月17日下午3点
联系人:冯正和 教授
MILLIMETER WAVE (30-300GHz) CMOS is around the corner with the advance of
modern technology. Unlicensed IEEE 802.15.3C band (57–64 GHz) offers
possibility of high-data rate communications in both high-definition video
streaming and fast links of quick huge data down load. In this talk,
speaker will share his latest 60GHz chipset development results.
Building on an efficient active and passive device modeling strategy,
a 60 GHz OOK transceiver system including on-chip antenna in 90nm CMOS
is designed. The key features of the circuits are small power consumption
and size. With the modulator connected to an innovative artificial magnetic
conductor (AMC) on-chip antenna, free space transmission at 2Gb/s is
demonstrated. Also, an on-chip pseudo-link demonstrates 1Gb/s transmission,
using only 26 pJ/bit for the modulator and 6 pJ/bit for the demodulator.
The receiver consists of on-chip antenna, LNA with 20dB gain & 5.7dB noise
figure, detector and limiting amplifier. Recovery of a 1.5Gb/s NRZ signal
is demonstrated
1993年获德国卡塞尔大学(Universität Kassel)工学博士学位。
自1995年他在IEEE担任多个职务,发起并组织了IEEE International Symposium on
Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT), Singapore,是1998年EDN Asia
Magazine.的Innovator Award获得者。
1999年,他加入了著名的HP EEsof(惠普EE soft)作为技术主管,建立了新加坡微电
子模拟中心(Singapore Microelectronics Modeling Center,SMMC),在世界范围内
2001年至2002年,他创立了Transilica的新加坡研发中心Transilica Singapore Pte.
Ltd,研发蓝牙和IEEE 802.11 a/b 无线系统集成芯片。该公司被Microtune Inc并购。
2002年,他加入世界第三大芯片制造商Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd.
Fujiang Lin (M’93–SM’99) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China,
in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and the Dr.-Ing. degree from Universität
Kassel, Kassel, Germany, in 1993, all in electrical engineering.
In 1995, he joined the Institute of Microelectronics (IME), Singapore,
as a Member of Technical Staff, where he pioneered practical RF modeling
for RF integrated circuit (IC) development. In 1999, he joined HP EEsof,
as the Technical Director, where he established the Singapore
Microelectronics Modeling Center, providing accurate state-of-the-art
device and package characterization and modeling solution service
worldwide. From 2001 to 2002, he started up and headed Transilica Singapore
Pte. Ltd., a research and development design center of Transilica Inc., a
Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11 a/b wireless system-on-chip (SoC) company. The
company was acquired by Microtune Inc. After the closing of Transilica
Singapore in 2002, he joined Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd.
(third largest foundry), as Director, where he led the SPICE modeling team
in support of company business. In 2003, he rejoined IME as a Senior Member
of Technical Staff, where he is currently focused on upstream research and
development initiatives and leadership toward next waves. His current
research interest is in the development of CMOS as a cost-effective
technology platform for 60-GHz band millimeter-wave SoC. As an Adjunct
Associate Professor with the National University of Singapore, Singapore,
he is actively involved in educating and training postgraduate students.
He has authored or coauthored over 70 scientific papers. He holds two
patents. Dr. Lin has served IEEE activities in different functions since
1995 including chair of the Singapore Microwave Theory and Techniques
(MTT)/Antennas and Propagation (AP) Chapter, reviewer board member for the
IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (IEEE MTT-S), and Technical
Program Committee (TPC) member of ESSCRIC. He is initiator and co-organizer
of international workshops and short courses at APMC’99, SPIE’00, ISAP’
06, and IMS’07. Recently, he and his team initiated and organized the
conference-style IEEE International Workshop on Radio-Frequency Integration
Technology (RFIT), Singapore. He was the recipient of the 1998 Innovator
Award presented by the EDN Asia Magazine.






