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"美国女企业家阿努谢赫·安萨里(Anousheh Ansari )于18日成为首名女性太空游客"
Anousheh Ansari is president, founder, and CEO of telecom technologies, inc. (tti), a supplier of softswitch based solutions for network and service providers offering end-to-end solutions for next generation, carrier-grade multi-service networks. Prior to founding tti, Ansari provided consulting services to the major telecommunications service providers and vendors in the areas of Frame Relay and ATM switch testing and evaluation.
She has authored numerous technical papers and has two patents for her work on Automated Operator Services and Wireless Service Node. She was a U.S. delegate at ITU SG VII, SG XI and SG XVII, and a representative at American National Standard Institute T1S1 and T1X1 Technical Subcommittees.
Early in her career, Ansari held positions with MCI Telecommunications Corporation. She worked on architectural design for SS7 and ISDN networks.
Ansari holds a Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from George Washington University

