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学术报告信息:Signal Processing in Wireless Networks

                      『清华信息大讲堂』 第十三讲
                 Signal Processing in Wireless Networks
                     - A Cross-Layer Perspective
                By Tongtong Li, Michigan State University
时间:2006年8月22日上午10:00-11:30; 地点:FIT 1-312
联系人:牛志升      Tel: 62781423
Over the last two decades, the OSI model has played a dominant role in the design of wireless networks. Although the layer-model helps to simplify the network design by decomposing a complex task into more tractable blocks, with each of them being assigned to a particular layer, this framework often leads to inefficient use of resources within devices and systems due to lack of cross-layer interaction. As an effective approach to improve both spectral and power efficiency, recently, cross-layer optimization has attracted considerable research attention. In this presentation, focusing on a physical layer (PHY) enabled by advanced signal processing techniques, we will discuss cross-layer wireless network design from the following aspects: (i) PHY-aware medium access control; (ii) Source-aware non-uniform information transmission for minimum distortion; (iii) Joint PHY layer and network layer information confidentiality. Advantages of cross-layer design are demonstrated through both theoretical analysis and simulation examples.
Tongtong Li got her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Auburn University in 2000. From 2000 to 2002, she was with Bell Labs, and had been working on the design and implementation of 3G and 4G wireless communication systems. She joined the faculty of Michigan State University in 2002 and has been an Assistant Professor there since then. Her research interests fall into the areas of wireless communications and networking, digital signal processing with applications in wireless communications, wireless network security and information forensics. She is serving as an Editorial Board Member for EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.


同问 多谢 cross-layer design 现在在无线通讯里面是热门话题吗?
