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同问,Iu?  Iub?  Iur?  Cu?
2.UMTS,3gpp,imt-2000,wcdma 这些的关系到底是怎么回事?
比如那本书名为WCDMA  FOR  UMTS-。。。

IMT2000 is a vision for a single global standard for wireless networks proposed by the ITU (International Telecommunications Union). It is often perceived as a global 3G (Third generation) system.
In all, these technologies fall under the ITUs generic name of IMT-2000 (International Mobile Telecommunications 2000). But when the ITU tried to unify and standardise 3G technologies, no consensus was reached. There were thus five terrestrial standards developed as part of the IMT-2000 program. Instead, depending on where in the world 3G will be implemented, the 3G standard will be based on CDMA variants cdma2000 or W-CDMA.
The primary CDMA variants that will be used in IMT-2000 3G networks are W-CDMA (Wideband CDMA) and cdma2000, which are similar but not the same, so that W-CDMA handsets will not work with cdma2000 handsets and visa versa.
In Europe, 3G  W-CDMA networks are known as UMTS  (Universal Mobile Telephony System) another name for w-CDMA/3G services.
3GPP - Third Generation Partnership Project
The 3GPP was formed in December 1998 as a collaboration agreement bringing together a number of telecommunication standards bodies. These standards bodies are referred to as Organizational Partners. The original aim of the 3GPP was to produce globally applicable technical specifications for third generation mobile systems based on evolved GSM core networks and the radio access technology UTRA (Universal Terrestrial Radio Access). This was subsequently amended to include the maintenance and development of the GSM standards including GPRS and EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution).


thanks a lot.
that's what i need.
In Europe, 3G  W-CDMA networks are known as UMTS  (Universal Mobile Telephony System) another name for w-CDMA/3G services.

no,it makes no sense.but if i know,i will take it in my mind more deeply.


