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Radiation frequencies for magnetically nonsaturated ferrite patch antennas
How, H. ; Rainville, P. ; Harackiewicz, F. ; Vittoria, C. ; ECE Department, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115


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IEEE Explorer的PDF可能只是个Abstract,应该和Citation里的Abstract是一样的。全文应该去Journal of Applied Physics搜索。
How, H.; Rainville, P.; Harackiewicz, F.; Vittoria, C.; , "Radiation frequencies for magnetically nonsaturated ferrite patch antennas (abstract)," Journal of Applied Physics , vol.73, no.10, pp.6469, May 1993
doi: 10.1063/1.352582
Abstract: Recently there has been great interest in making use of ferrite materials in patch antenna designs in order to incorporate phase shifting, impedance matching, frequency tuning, and nonreciprocal effects in the operation of patch antennas. It has been reported in Ref. 1 that the radiation frequency of a microstrip antenna can be tuned by varying the biasing magnetic field. However, no quantitative analysis or prediction exists for the tuning mechanism of ferrite patch antennas. A ferrite patch antenna identical to that reported in Ref. 1 was fabricated and tested at Rome Laboratory. Radiation frequencies and the reflection coefficient of the patch antenna were measured as a function of magnetic bias field strength and direction. Radiation patterns were also measured. As previously reported in Ref. 1, radiation patterns were found to be similar to those occurring in an isotropic dielectric patch antenna. However, in this paper experimental data on the patch radiation frequencies are reported and analyzed. Two different radiation modes were actually measured whose frequencies behaved differently under the application of a biasing magnetic field. We have identified these two modes of radiation with a transverse mode whose radiation frequency increased with increasing magnetic field and a longitudinal mode whose radiation frequency decreased with the applied magnetic field. We have formulated a theoretical model for radiation of these two modes based upon a multi‐domain configuration of the ferrite substrate. The theory, which contains no adjustable parameters, compares reasonably well with the experiments.
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5144965&isnumber=5144436
