Then how different are they? Resonance frequency shifting or numerical value difference?
numerical value difference,and the different area of the waveport I set, the value of the S11and S22 will be different. So I want to konw what the connection between them? Thank you!
麻烦再问一下,为什么我waveport端口的面积大小设置的不一样,S11和S22出来的结果不一样?还有我是应该用 Driven Terminal还用Driven Modal 在访这个传输线的时候?谢啦!
If the resonance frequencies are nearly the same and only absolute value difference, generally, I'll consider that the mesh density may be sufficient but other configurations may be reviewed.
About the waveguide port configuration for microstrip structure, CST Help file suggests the ideal width of the port should be 10 times as wide as the width of microstrip. However, if that isn't implementable for the geometrical constraints reason, that can be reduced to 6 times.
Or, if that is based on picked geometry, you need an extension space of ideally 4.5 times the width of the microstrip line at each side of the microstrip line. Furthermore, you should specify a distance of 4 times the substrate height above the microstrip line.
如果结构对称的话 理论上S11和 S22是一样的 如果结构不对称 那就不一定
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