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首页 > 微波射频 > 射频工程师交流 > 请教关于DBS多普勒波束锐化是如何工作的?



Doppler Beam Sharpening is an extension to Real Beam Ground Map (RBGM). The antenna
scans exactly as in RBGM, however Doppler processing effects are used to improve
the azimuthal resolution. DBS processing involves measuring the Doppler frequency
of returns within each range bin in the antenna mainbeam. The returns are placed
in the displayed image relative to the center of the mainbeam based on their Doppler
frequency. RBGM treats all objects within a range bin as if they are at the azimuthal
center of that bin. DBS, however, subdivides a range bin in azimuth, providing
much higher azimuth resolution. The resolution of the Doppler frequency measurement
process determines the azimuthal resolution of the DBS mode.
