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Error detected by hpeesofsim during HB analysis `HB1'.
    No convergence.
Error detected by hpeesofsim during HB analysis `HB1'.
    Max. number of Newton iterations reached.
    Convergence hints:
    o Increase max. iterations to 50.
    o Select the Robust convergence mode,
    o Select the direct solver.
    o Set Matrix Re-use to Robust.
    o Select the Krylov solver.
    o Increase Krylov Restart Length to 150.
    This is the maximum value based on available memory.
    o Try TAHB (transient assisted HB).
    o Try to sweep a parameter.
    o Increase MaxStepRatio.


出错的原因已经说的很清楚了:No convergence。 也就是说你的仿真不能收敛。 具体的不能收敛的原因很多,主要是根据你的电路设计不同而不同。 不过, 上面给了你一些建议: 比如说
   o Increase max. iterations to 50. (增加重复iterations到50)
    o Select the Robust convergence mode, (使用其他收敛模式 如Robust 而不是牛顿 newton method 收敛方式)
    o Select the direct solver. (或者用direct solver 直接法)
    o Set Matrix Re-use to Robust. (矩阵法)
    o Select the Krylov solver. (Krylov 法)
    o Increase Krylov Restart Length to 150. (把krylov 的重起长度设置为150)
