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首页 > 手机设计 > 高通手机设计平台 > 跪求下面几项NV包括的数值以及数值的意义


如 NV4707=1 //1:UP 0:CP
NV452=0 //0:GPS引擎开启(飞行模式关闭) 3:GPS引擎关闭(飞行模式打开)
NV01920 NV06264



Bit Position - Functionality
0 - Standalone
1 - UP MS-based
2 - UP MS-assisted
3 - CP MS-based (2G)
4 - CP MS-assisted (2G)
5 - CP UE-based (3G)
6 - CP UE-assisted (3G)。
UP CP是啥意思,等待大神解答


用户面UP 控制面CP


NV#6264 (NV_CGPS_MINIMUM_GPS_WEEK_NUMBER_I) setting for running test with GPS simulator or PLTS/ULTS
From 2013, QC started to include following CR change for setting the hard coded minimum GPS week number from 1054 to 1738.
CR#446363 Update the GPS minimum week number to current week. Avoid week rollover issue for another 19.6 years from 2013.
This is to support our customers who are launching devices into cars, and other devices that do not get updated quickly - we changed our default minimum GPS week number to a more current value (1738).
After this CR, before run GPS testing with GPS simulator or PLTS/ULTS with GPS week older than 1726, please override the minimum GPS week through NV item 6264 (NV_CGPS_MINIMUM_GPS_WEEK_NUMBER_I).
After the tests are done, please revert back the NV item to a current GPS week number value for product shipment.

An easy way to check if CR#446363 is included in the build under testing is to check following define in modem_proc\gps\gnss\common\inc\gps_consts.h:
#define C_MIN_GPS_WEEK 1738 /* Minimum GPS week number */
Please note that if customer change this value on their own does not actually change the default value used in GNSS engine as this value is used while building GNSS libraries which customer has no access to build on their own.

As suggested above, please configure NV#6264 to change the minimum GPS week for running test on GPS simulator.

Here is an example QXDM F3 msg indicating the simulator GPS week is older than minimum GPS week configured on the device under testing:
mc_pgi.c 02614 Invalid LTE TTr GPS Week number 1127 Min: 1738 Src: 1\n
In this case, customer may configure NV#6264 to 1120 and should be able to proceed the test.

