关于 LCD 屏幕的问题
三星平台支持的几类LCD screen size:
Typical actual screen size: 640 x 480, 320 x 240, 160 x 160, and others
Maximum virtual screen size is 4Mbytes.
Maximum virtual screen size in 64K color mode: 2048 x 1024 and others
请教下 virtual screen size 怎么理解?
Typical actual screen size: 640 x 480, 320 x 240, 160 x 160, and others
Maximum virtual screen size is 4Mbytes.
Maximum virtual screen size in 64K color mode: 2048 x 1024 and others
请教下 virtual screen size 怎么理解?
也就是 VA吧,view aera
个人理解: 显示图象的内存映射大小。
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