经常看到“TCH Ec/Ior”、“P-CPICH Ec/Ior”等等,请问“Ec/Ior”是什么意思?指什
1. Ior is defined in 3GPP TS 25.101 as the received power spectral density of the downlink as measured at the UE (mobile station) antenna connector。The downlink contains one or more downlink physical channels. The Cell Power setting sets the absolute level (in dBm) of the physical channels. The individual physical channel levels account for fractions of this setting, and are set in dB relative to the cell power . If you have accounted for path loss between the test set output port and the UE antenna connector, then cell power is equivalent to Ior
2. Ec是指一个chip的平均能量
P-CPICH Ec/Ior就是指P-CPICH信道占总接收总能量的比值
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