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    Dear Distinguished Colleagues,
    I will be organizing a special session on "Recent Advances in
    Security and Privacy in Wireless Networking Systems" in the 10th
    International Conference on Information, Communication and Signal
    processing, which will be held on 2-4 December 2015 in the
    Mandarin Orchard Hotel, Singapore.  I would like to invite you and
     your team to submit papers to this special session to share your
    latest research findings and interact with us.  ICICS 2015 is
    endorsed by the IEEE Singapore Section and 3 IEEE local chapters,
    and financially sponsored by National Instruments, Singapore
    Technologies, Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent) and NXP.  
    The conference proceedings will be indexed in the IEEE Xplore.
    To submit paper(s) to my special session, please visit
    http://www.icics.org/ and click on "For Authors" then "Submit to
    Special Session".  If you are willing to contribute your paper to
    this special session, please contact with me by hndai@ieee.org.
    The login Id and the password will be sent to you shortly.
    I look forward to receiving your research papers and meeting you
    in ICICS 2015.  Submission deadline for this special session is 15
     August 2015.
    Best regards,
    Henry Hong-Ning Dai

    Dear Distinguished Colleagues,
    As a special session chair on "Recent Advances in Security and
    Privacy in Wireless Networking Systems" in the 10th International
    Conference on Information, Communication and Signal processing,
    which will be held on 2-4 December 2015 in the Mandarin Orchard
    Hotel, Singapore, I would like to invite you and your team to
    submit papers to this special session to share your latest
    research findings and interact with us. ICICS 2015 is endorsed by
    the IEEE Singapore Section and 3 IEEE local chapters, and
    financially sponsored by National Instruments, Singapore
    Technologies, Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent) and NXP.
    The conference proceedings will be included in the IEEE Xplore.
    The selected best papers (around 30% of accepted papers) will be
    published in a special issue in Sensors (Impact Factor: 2.245)
    To submit paper(s) to my special session, please visit
    http://www.icics.org/ and click on "For Authors" then "Submit to
    Special Session". Use the following Login ID and Password to
    access the Special Session Submission page:
    Login ID – 2015SS01
    Password – A9EFCBC4
    Finally, click "Click here to submit your Paper".
    Upon successful submission, a new set of LoginID and Password will
     be sent to you for managing your submitted paper.
    I look forward to receiving your research papers and meeting you
    in ICICS 2015. Submission deadline for this special session is 31
    August 2015.
    Best regards,
    Hong-Ning Dai

