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FPACH 突发包含32 个信息位。
其中RACH 信息的发送电平命令7bit对应的具体dbm数的对应关系,应该有个表格吧?
请问这个对应关系在哪本协议 25.331 25.433吗?没找啊

10.1      Received starting position of the UpPCH (UpPCHPOS) (1.28 Mcps TDD)
The received starting position of the UpPCH (UpPCHPOS) is derectly derived
from measurement, it is equivalent to the received SYNC-UL Timing Deviation
for 1.28 Mcps. Its accurecy and range/mapping is defined in section The information field value, UpPCHPOS -FIELD_LEV_xxxx, is
equivalent to the reported value SYNC_UL_TIME_DEV_xxxx.
10.2      Transmit Power Level Command for the RACH message (1.28 Mcps TDD)
10.2.1    Accuracy requirements
Since this is a desired RX power at the node B and this is no measured value
and the derivation of this value in the node B is implementation specific,
accuracy requirements are not applicable.
10.2.2    Range/mapping
PRXPRACH,des FIELD is given with a resolution of 0.5 dB with the range
[-120,-80] dBm.
PRXPRACH,des FIELD shall be transmitted in the FPACH.
Table 10.1
Information field value    Measured quantity value    Unit
PRXPRACH,des FIELD_LEV_00    PRXPRACH,des < -120    dBm
PRXPRACH,des FIELD_LEV_01    -120 ? PRXPRACH,des < -119.5    dBm
PRXPRACH,des FIELD_LEV_02    -119.5 ? PRXPRACH,des < -119    dBm
…    …    …
PRXPRACH,des FIELD_LEV_79    -81 ? PRXPRACH,des < -80.5    dBm
PRXPRACH,des FIELD_LEV_80    -80.5 ? PRXPRACH,des < -80    dBm
PRXPRACH,des FIELD_LEV_81    -80 ? PRXPRACH,des    dBm
