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This connection type is not applicable to GSM.
The BLER connection type ensures that an Agilent proprietary data connection type is used which allows the test set to obtain BLock Error Rate (BLER) measurement reports from the mobile station (see Block Error Rate (BLER) Reports Description ). In addition, the BLER connection type allows you to perform other GPRS measurements at the same time (except BER and ORFS due to Modulation).
This connection type is not applicable to GSM.
The ETSI Type A connection type ensures that packet data traffic channel (PDTCH) bursts are only transmitted on the uplink, not on the downlink.
ETSI Type B (Unacknowledged)
This connection type is not applicable to GSM.
The ETSI Type B connection type ensures that one or more downlink (PDTCH) bursts are present, which can be used to loopback data through the uplink. ETSI Type B is required if you want to perform BER measurements in active cell mode.
ETSI Type B Acknowledged
This connection type is not applicable to GSM.
The ETSI Type B Acknowledged connection type is almost identical to the ETSI Type B (Unacknowledged) connection type, except that it features an acknowledged downlink. The acknowledged downlink ensures maximum compatibility with different mobile station types.

bu ming bai o

BLER是测试GPRS/EDGE接收用的,TP A是测试 GPRS/EDGE发射用的,那么怎么会出来一个TP B了?TP B 是允许收发同时,一般对于不涉及到协议层面的测试,两种测试发射没有区别。

对的,TP B对于发射和TP A没有区别,补充几点
1) TP B支持BER测试
2) BLER模式不支持测量BER和ORFS due to modulation.
3) ACK mode in TP B是用来保证兼容不同的手持设备。

