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only dbtel say desense

"Desense" is created by DBTEL.

Desense 应该是RF比较常见的一个名词,下面引用网上的,供大家参考:

First a definition:
Desense is a reduction in receiver sensitivity, which is caused by noise or RF that overloads the receiver front end. (应该按此理解Desense)

In other words, a signal other than the one we wish to receive is so strong that it overloads the receiver and makes the receiver relatively insensitive to the signal we wish to receive. The result may be that we hear nothing; or, we may hear the desired signal at a reduced volume level; or, we could even hear an undesired signal.
In emergency communications the problem of desense is often created by strong transmitters belonging to the agencies we are sent to assist, such as police and fire. Desense can also be caused by having two amateur stations at the same site. For instance, one station may be controlling a local net and a second station may be using a different frequency to transfer information to the EOC (Emergency Operations Center).
There is no one cause, or one solution to desense problems. The same station setup can cause desense one day and not the next day just because of fluctuation in propagation and weather. For instance, the amount of water in the ground (or in the air) can affect the quality of the antenna's grounding system, which affects the strength of the transmitted signal.
The goal in solving desense problems is to keep the unwanted RF from reaching the radio's receiver. Following are several approaches to minimizing interference. A combination of approaches often needs to be used for best results.
<LI>Antenna location - vertical separation of antennas is often more effective than horizontal separation.
<LI>Keep transmitter power as low as possible - to reduce interference to other stations.
<LI>Use the best quality of coax that is practical for the installation.
<LI>Decouple the antenna from the transmission line. In other words, isolate RF from the antenna from getting back into the coax. This can be accomplished by routing the coax through the nulls of the antenna pattern.
<LI>The design of the radio's receive section affects how sensitive the radio is to desense. Unfortunately, there are no statistics to tell which radios have more problems.
<LI>Separation in frequency. When at a site with two amateur stations, the two stations should be as far apart in frequency as possible. For example, have one station on 2-meters and the other station on 70-cm. In areas where local public service frequencies are in the 150 MHz range, and often using high power, it may be most practical to change to 440 MHz. If not possible, choose frequencies in the lower part of the amateur 2-meter band. If necessary, both amateur stations could move to 440. The amateur 440 band is much larger than the amateur 2-meter band; therefore, two stations on 440 can have greater separation than two stations on 2-meters.
<LI>Cavities and filters may be used for permanent installations, such as repeaters, but are impractical for other stations. </LI></UL>
<P align=right>+5RD币

[此贴子已经被feel于2005-12-4 23:03:38编辑过]


