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PhD position in UK

Antenna and Electromagnetics Lab
Dept. of Electronic Engineering
Queen Mary and Westfield College
University of London
London E1 4NS , UK
A PhD studentship in Microwave Engineering is available in the Antenna and
Electromagnetics Lab of Queen Mary, University of London, starting from 15th  
January 2006, or sooner after.
The project is concerned with the study of releativistic, plasma-filled,
crossed-field diode as a source of high power chaos.  More details about our
current work in this area can be found on http://www.elec.qmul.ac.uk/people/do
The studentship provides the tuition fees and a maintenance grant of a
minimum of ?12,000 pa. Applicants should have at least a 1st class honour
M.Sc degree in Electronic Engineering or Physics. Knowledge of EM theory and
microwave engineering is essential, and computing skill is desirable.
Applicants must demonstrate a satisfactory English proficiency test score
(TOEFL: 580 above or IELTS: 6.5 above) if their first language is not English.
For application, please e-mail a copy of your recent CV to: x.chen@elec.qmul.a
Informal inquiry can be made to: Dr Xiaodong Chen, 44-(0)20-7882 2361(Direct

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