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Prof. J. Rockey Luo in ECE department at Colorado State University is
inviting applications for  one Ph.D. research assistant positions in Fall 2012. Rockey's research focuses on the theory side of wireless communication networks.
Although wireless network applications are advancing at a fast pace, the
theory of wireless networking is significantly lagging. The essential challenge of wireless networking is to efficiently share the open wireless channel among highly dynamic users. Classical Network Theory addresses the "dynamic" property but sacrifices communication efficiency to achieve modularized network architecture. Classical Information Theory, on the other hand, emphasizes the "efficiency" requirement but assumes stationary communication with non-dynamic users. The career goal of  Rockey's research is to bridge the gap between the two classical frameworks and to provide wireless networking with solid and rigorous theoretical support.
Preferred applicants should be highly motivated to do fundamental research
in wireless networks, and should have strong background in statistics, communication and networking. For further information, please contact J. Rockey Luo at rockey@engr.colostate.edu or visit his website at


研究方向 真心 望而却步。。。。。
