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清华校友Yihong Wu获得青年马可尼奖

  2011年8月,世界上致力于表彰通信与互联网领域杰出科学贡献的前沿组织-马可尼学会,在世界范围内选出三位科学家授予马可尼学会青年学者奖(Young Scholar Award)。每一位获奖者均刚获得博士学位,并已经对世界高速通信(need for speed,世界上对尽可能快速和经济地传送和接受数据的日益增长的迫切需要)做出极其重要的贡献。  
  本年度三位马可尼学会Paul Baran青年学者奖获得者为来自英国南安普顿大学的乌干达裔科学家Joseph Kakande,从香港到加州大学圣迭戈分校攻读博士的Bill Ping Piu Kuo和在普林斯顿大学完成博士学位的Yihong Wu。  
  Yihong Wu校友毕业于清华大学电子工程系。在普林斯顿大学攻读博士学位期间获得普大工程与应用科学领域的最高奖-Wallace纪念荣誉奖学金。  
  Marconi Society Selects 2011 Young Scholar Award Winners  
  Three top researchers honored for work in the communications science and the Internet  
  PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Marconi Society, the world’s leading organization devoted to honoring scientific contributions in the field of communications science and the Internet, has selected three scientists to receive its 2011 Young Scholar Awards. Each scholar, just completing his PhD, is already making vital contributions to the world’s “need for speed” – our increasing imperative to be able to send and receive data as quickly and economically as possible.  
  Though intricate and often theoretical, their research is aimed at making communications faster and more efficient, giving people everyday benefits -- from better video-on-demand service to improved MRI scans that yield medical images in a quicker and thus more comfortable way.  
  This year’s Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholar Award recipients are Joseph Kakande, a Ugandan native now specializing in optical fiber research at the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University of Southampton; Bill Ping Piu Kuo, who moved from Hong Kong to the University of California, San Diego to complete his doctorate in photonics; and Yihong Wu, whose doctoral work at Princeton University has focused on how to maximize compressed sensing by minimizing noise and waste in transmissions.  
  Wu’s research is best described as interdisciplinary: with its center of gravity in information theory, it entwines strands from signal processing, statistics, optimization and stochastic control. It’s intended to further the practical goal of improving the efficiency of signal acquisition and processing via compressed sensing. “The current data acquisition methods are actually extremely wasteful,” he explained, noting for example that a camera acquires massive amounts of data through its sensors, but keeps only the significant data and simply throws the rest away. His work aims to identify the fundamental limits of modern data acquisition, processing and communication, revealing the best parameters that compressors can possibly achieve.  
  After attaining his bachelor’s in electrical engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, Wu earned a master’s in that field at Princeton and is on track to achieve his doctorate as well, having garnered Princeton’s Wallace Memorial honorific fellowship, the highest award in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.









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