Looking for M.S degree student who wants to study for Ph.D degree in Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques; and who wants to do PDF research in Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques in School of Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The research directions are
(1) RFIC/RFID/MMIC modeling , design and testing ;
(2) On-chip UWBP EMC/EMI( interconnects, etc);
(3) Nano-electromagnetic and nano-electronic device modeling;
(4) Computational electromagnetics and applications (scattering, radiation and propagation)
The M. S. students or Ph.Ds who have strong background in computational EM (MoM, FEM, FDTD, etc), radio physics, computational mathematics, semiconductor physics and devices are all wellcome.
If you are interested, pls. contact with Dr. WEN-YAN YIN (Chair Professor in Electroamgnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques)
E-mail: wyyin@sjtu.edu.cn
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