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MMIC: Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits
RFIC: Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits


google and zz...........
1) Definitions from Google:
"Microwave" : electromagnetic radiation having a free-space wavelength b
etween 0.3 and 30 centimeters, corresponding to frequencies of 1100 gig
Radio frequency (abbreviated RF, rf, or r.f.) is a term that refers to a
lternating current (AC) having characteristics such that, if the current
is input to an antenna, an electromagnetic (EM) field is generated suit
able for wireless broadcasting and/or communications. These frequencies
cover a significant portion of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, e
xtending from nine kilohertz (9 kHz), the lowest allocated wireless comm
unications frequency (it's within the range of human hearing), to thousa
nds of gigahertz (GHz).
So they have completely different definitions. However, they have a larg
e overlap region. Traditionally, RF circuit have lower frequency only be
cause we were only using the lower end of each definition.
2) MW's focus is its wavelength. The range of wavelength is comparable t
o the length of traces on a circuit board. As a result, MW is special be
cause all traces on a circuit board should be treated as transmission li
RF's focus is on wireless transmission. So most of RF circuit we are bui
lding are for wireless communication purpose.
In many cases, the two was used as equivalent because of their overlappi
ng range.
3) The definition and application of MW has been significantly changed b
y the invention of IC. It is possible that you design many circuits on a
n IC working in MW range without knowing anything about transmission lin
e. The reason is that the device sizes and trace lengths on an IC are mu
ch shorter than those on a circuit board. The exception is interface cir
cuits with the board such as LNA and PA where you will worry about the i
mpedence matching.

set be attention for a week
