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PhD position at Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

We are looking for skillful and hard working candidates with high academic
credentials/results for a PhD student position within the area of smart grid
communications at Simula Research Laboratory, Norway (http://www.simula.no).
The PhD positions are targeted at the following research topics:
*   Smart Grid Communications
*   Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications for the Smart Grid
*   Wireless Sensor Networks for the Smart Grid Communications
The chosen PhD candidates will be enrolled in the 3-year PhD-program of the
Simula Research Laboratory, Norway. The PhD degrees will be awarded by the
University of Oslo, Norway (www.uio.no).
How to apply
Application with CV to mail: jobs@simula.no with subject "Smart Grid".
Deadline: 20 August 2011
For more information about the position, please contact:
Dr. Yan Zhang (yanzhang@simula.no).

