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Talk 1:
Title:           Mobile Broadband Evolution
Speaker:        Magnus Frodigh Ph.D., Director of Wireless Access Networks, Ericsson Research
Mobile broadband is very successful with HSPA taking off in the global market and will be increasingly important in the area of LTE. The speaker from Ericsson Research will talk about Ericsson’s vision on mobile broadband and technical trends towards such vision. LTE (Long Term Evolution), LTE-Advanced and their enabling features will be addressed. He will also talk about technical challenges like new deployment, cost-efficient solutions, energy efficiency and simplified network management.
Magnus Frodigh holds an M.S. in electrical engineering from Linköping University and a Ph.D. in radio communication systems from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Since January 2007, Magnus Frodigh is head of Wireless Access Networks with Ericsson Research. Prior to assuming this position, he has held various positions within Ericsson, from product manager for WCDMA, R&D manager at the radio design unit to expert in the field of New Radio Systems at Ericsson Research.
Talk 2:
演讲嘉宾:普拉纳夫•梅塔 (Pranav Mehta),首席高级工程师兼首席技术官,英特尔公司嵌入式与通信集团
演讲题目:The Future of Intel Technologies in Embedded and Communications
Bio of  Pranav Mehta :
Pranav is the Chief Technology Officer for the Embedded & Communications Group. His team focuses on optimizing the Embedded IA building blocks for the Communications, Storage, and Embedded market segments. This involves understanding performance bottlenecks in IA CPU and System architectures for these application segments; developing solutions to remove those bottlenecks; and finally, modeling these solutions to ensure proper ROI before we get them incorporated into IA silicon. He also directs ECG’s University Programs to build a robust pipeline of research, curriculum, and student/faculty development around Embedded Systems.  

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